Latest Past Tournaments

48th Annual Ice Fisheree

All day, at the Neshkoro Mill Pond. Prizes, Drawings, Food & Refreshments at Murf's on Main Street. Cash prices for several fish categories.

13th Annual Four Seasons Ice Fishing tournament

Staudemeyer's Four Seasons Resort 44800 Birch Point Rd, Cable

2023 FISHING CONTEST RULES Four Seasons Resort, Cable WI Saturday January 21st, 2023 Fish eligible for the ice fishing contest must be caught from Lake Namakagon (including Garden and Jackson),…


Ice Fishing Jamboree

Tichigan Lake Lions Club 6710 Big Bend Rd., Waterford

Prizes: 1st - Remington 700 SPS .30-06 2nd - Winchester SXP Upland Hunter 20GA 3rd - Stihl MS271 Farm Boss Chainsaw or in store credit at Reinemans True Value in…